Praying for Dreams to Come True
Having a hope is delightful, but holding onto it for years is brave work. Here are things to pray as you await your dreams coming true.
Having a hope is delightful, but holding onto it for years is brave work. Here are things to pray as you await your dreams coming true.
Our anger should reveal God’s character to those around us. What makes anger righteous is not how it is expressed, but the motive behind it.
God is a jealous God because he is good. God is also sinless. A closer look at jealousy explains how both are possible.
The fear of the Lord is essential to walk in ever-increasing intimacy with God. So how do we fear God without being afraid of him?
We harden our hearts in many circumstances, but as Christ-followers we must recognise a hard heart and know how to cultivate a soft heart.
Many of us feel restless and wanting more from life. We long for a brighter future with greater purpose, but more is available – even now!
An invitation to a rich buffet of spiritual nourishment that will strengthen your spirit and satisfy your soul.
Will we respond to God’s conviction with godly sorrow and life-transformation, or worldly sorrow and death? And how to know the difference?
Life is hard. Suffering is inevitable. Will we choose to trust that God is good and sovereign over even this?
Loneliness is a feeling with a message. Christian fellowship meets us body, soul, and spirit – and fulfils God’s purposes beyond ourselves.
Grace applies to every area of our lives in a tangible way – and it’s refreshing and draws us closer to Jesus.
How do we know what is true? What about doubt? Truth is accessible to everyone, but only those earnestly seeking the truth will find it.
Life’s unexpected trials offer us gifts including personal transformation. Through her story, Jillian Benfield invites us on the journey.
Should Christians pursue what makes them happy, or the glory of God? Christian Hedonism says these quests are one and the same.
Arrogant pride is rampant even in Christian circles, but confession and worship will lead us toward humility.