Letting Go of Hurtful Comments
Why is it that hurtful comments seem to stick in our minds more than encouraging words? Perhaps it’s because we already believe a lie about ourselves.
Why is it that hurtful comments seem to stick in our minds more than encouraging words? Perhaps it’s because we already believe a lie about ourselves.
Assertive communication is necessary for being in authentic relationship. We can learn to confront issues kindly and clearly through these practical strategies.
It is a misconception that Christians should always be “nice” and yield to the preferences of another. Read on for motivation and practical steps for establishing and communicating healthy boundaries.
While there is no recipe for making a perfect decision, there are practical tips for the process. These include framing the decision, incorporating intuition and emotions, considering motives, and including other people.
It is possible to live from a place of peace amidst suffering and evil. Remember: suffering is part of life; God is not perturbed; He is good; He redeems our suffering; and He will somehow be glorified through everything.
Feeling overwhelmed robs us of peace and joy. We can learn to recognise when we feel overwhelmed and take concrete actions to help us feel more in control. And we don’t have to do it alone.
Unconditional love can’t have any conditions. We can’t just love ourselves one day when we lose a few pounds, or stop acting weirdly in social settings. We have got to accept ourselves as we are. Here is how…
As curators of our hearts, we have a responsibility to keep them soft. We can’t allow offenses or our own protective mechanisms to build up and become normal.
Like children resist being wiped clean after a meal, we resist repenting when we have made a mess by sinning. But God loves us too much to leave us in our sin.
Our insecure compulsions tend to act against our deepest desire to be fully known and fully loved. What if we could lay them aside and shift our focus to being amazed by God instead of obsessing over ourselves?
God delights in us like parents delight in children. There is only one you for God to enjoy and He loves being with you.